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And to cut your own short hair, try this video tutorial, and consider using a special self-haircut kit to make the process a little easier. As you can see, with a few tips and tricks, cutting your own hair may be quite easy if you do not plan extra big changes in your appearance. Trimming split ends or creating layers if often successful, not every short self-haircut done at home will look fabulous, though. Do not let your free cut turn into an expensive correction and do head to your stylist every time you contemplate something professional-looking. Let’s note once again that curly hair will get much shorter.
When we can't visit salons and barbershops to get a professional haircut, it can feel like the only option is to just shave it all off. Comb your bangs forward so you can easily trim your fringe. After you finish trimming the sides, brush all of your hair toward your face. Pinch the ends of your hair between your fingers and trim horizontally to take off some length.
Getting it Cut
If your hair is curly or thick, consider straightening your hair before you cut it. This way, there are no kinks that could mess up your cut. While this is optional, it can make it easier to cut off your ends. Make horizontal cuts at a slight angle across the bottom section. Comb your hair and hold the ends in between your fingers vertically. Then, position your scissors at an angle so they are parallel with your hand.
This is a good guide for blending short haircuts and dealing with cowlicks, and here's a tutorial for classic shaggy toddler haircuts. By high school, a bowl cut is not going to help their social standing. The nineties might be back in style, but not to that extent. Trimming your hair a little longer than your desired length is a good idea for two reasons. Firstly, hair cutting can get tricky and if you have made a mistake, you’ve got some leeway to fix it. Second, if you’re cutting your hair while it’s wet, then it will usually look shorter once it has dried.
How to cut short hair at home, with tips from a professional barber
The key is to start small with a few careful snips — and to go slow. You can always take more hair off, but you can't add back what you've already chopped! If you're cutting your hair while it's wet, remember it will look even shorter once it dries, so snip with extreme caution. In fact, if your strands are curly or you're wavy-haired, only cut your hair when it's dry so you can get a better idea of what the final look will be. If you have straight hair, you can cut while it's wet or dampen it with a spray bottle first to get the cleanest, sharpest lines possible. Going from long to short hair can be a big step, so try to pick a style you like to make it as stress-free as possible.
When you’re ready to start cutting your hair, tackle the ends first since this is where you’ll find the most damage. Cut just above where the majority of split ends are to keep your hair healthy. If you want to go shorter, then start by cutting an inch at a time so you don’t go too short.
You may not have a Flowbee, but if you've got clippers and scissors, you should be fine. Make your cuts downward at a slight angle so this section blends in with the bottom section. Separate the bottom 1/3 or so of your hair in the back. Use a fine-toothed comb to divide your bottom section of hair from the rest, and clip up the rest of your hair on the top of your head.
The hardest tricks are used to hide and hold natural cropped and short hair. If you really want to know your professional barber, look for a celebrity stylist. Especially during these times of social distancing now and lockdown, these tips and ways for short hair will be useful. Set up the devices required to cut short hair at home, which are sharp scissors, a mirror, a brush, and tweezers for hair.
Comb a section of hair, and hold the ends in between your fingers. Point your trimming shears downward at a 45-degree angle as you trim the bottom. The angle of your cut creates a layered look, which looks great for a short bob style. Hold a small section of curls out in front of your face between thumb and finger. Curl by curl, trim less than an inch off of the end — just enough to eliminate frayed ends.
Amir's coverage also includes eyewear, watches, and grooming products like electric razors and men's skincare. You've got a set of clippers and you're ready to go, but before you start haphazardly cutting into hair, there are a few key factors that you'll want to keep in mind. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about cutting short hair at home. Basically, you simply need to buzz cut your own hair at a definite area of your head . Pop the majority of your hair in a bobble, leaving a few centimeters of hair loose at the back of your head.
For tighter curl types ranging from 3C to 4C, try sectioning your hair, gently detangling, and using firm pressure to keep it from moving too much as you trim. This tutorial and this tutorial are both great options for highly textured hair. Pull your bangs in front of your face, twist them into one taut section, and then cut a blunt line where you want your bangs to end. It sounds terrifying at first, but the final result is gorgeous on both short and long bangs. Courtney Foster is a Licensed Cosmetologist, Certified Hair Loss Practitioner, and Cosmetology Educator based out of New York City.

Cut your hair downward at a slight angle, and continue doing this across the back section of your hair. In (1.3 cm) longer than you want your hair to be in the end so that you can make finishing touches to clean up your ends. Do this for the back section of your hair first, and use a mirror to help you make straight cuts or ask a trustworthy friend or family member to help you with the back section. With the right tools, a bit of preparation, and patience, the most novice home barbers can give themselves or others a decent haircut. Who knows, you might become skilled enough to continue cutting your own hair even when barbershops open back up. "It's an opportunity to get creative and try different things because we aren't going out and seeing people as much," says Shlakman.
Clean up any choppy ends with small, precise cuts for best results. We're all in the same boat right now and no one is going to judge you if your hair is a little unshorn. "If you have patience, let it grow for the time being," Louden continues. "If you don't like the results, order a buzzer online. Wahl and Andis are reliable brands in the clipper industry."

Keep a spray bottle filled with water nearby and spritz your hair as needed. However, once your hair dries, it may appear slightly shorter than when you cut it. Even out any uneven sections or long spots before you finish up. Once you finish trimming your bangs, run your hands through your hair, and look for any uneven spots. Use your scissors to snip off any long pieces or jagged edges.
Some people like to use razor combs to cut hair, but if your hair is very long, you need to do some cutting with regular scissors first. If you want to finish it with a razor comb, after you've layered, that's fine. Hair shouldn't be cut with a ratty old pair of kitchen shears. Make sure that you're using sharp, clean scissors appropriate for cutting hair, so the job goes smoothly and your hair ends up looking great.

There are plenty of ways to change your look without being extreme or doing something you may regret. Just take a look at the videos of people trying to give themselves bangs. Stylists will advise you to avoid getting too zealous with your scissors, but sometimes you're left with no choice but to take matters into your own hands. Cutting your hair is more complicated than it looks, and this guide is not one-size-fits-all, but it should at least help you figure out the basics on where to start.
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